Top 5.000 en el blog «Pediatría basada en pruebas» y el interés de la «blogmetría»
Top 5,000 in the blog «Pediatría basada en pruebas» and the interest about «blogmetrics»
1Departamento de Pediatría. Hospital General Universitario de Pediatría. Universidad «Miguel Hernández». Alicante. 2Centro de Salud Villamayor de Gállego. Servicio Aragonés de Salud. Zaragoza
The blog «Pediatría basada en pruebas» is a source of proven information and training after 8 years around the Spanish pediatric blogosphere and the social web. In this article, 2,486 public entries in this blog from August 2008 to July 2016 are analyzed, with a detailed study of the 59 posts with more than 5,000 visits.
From the quantitative point of view, the life of a blog and changes are confirmed over time. The three most visited post over this 8 years are: «Por una sanidad Google Style», 71,418 visits (publication date: 08/04/13); «Cine y pediatría (210): El milagro de Carintia, el milagro de cada día en una guardia», 27,361 visits (publication date: 18/01/14); and «Que no. Que la leche no produce mocos», 19,850 visits (publication date: 21/07/11).
From the qualitative point of view, the subjects that interest the most to the readers of «Pediatría basada en pruebas» blog gather around six groups, consolidate in this top 5,000: 19 posts as established sections in the blog (mainly Cinema and pediatrics); 11 posts as Social subjects (smoking, injuries, immigration, bulling, etc.); 9 posts as Controversies (subjects of special social and/or healthcare debate, such as abortion, anti-vaccination groups, medical malpractice, etc.); 7 posts as Infectious diseases (flu, meningitis, septicemia, measles, chickenpox, vaccinations, etc.); 7 posts as Perineonatology (pregnancy and newborn subjects), and 6 posts a Guidelines and reports of scientific societies.
The initial best possible way of improve in a blog is to know our readers’ dynamics (from both areas, quantitative and qualitative) and webmetrics is a good tool. And with these results of the blog to build the information and training in the best possible way to our colleagues, patients and families, and to society in general.
(1259 descargas)Original_Top_5000_blog_PBP_1.pdf