Diagnóstico y manejo de las complicaciones asociadas al uso de nutrición parenteral en pediatrÃa
Diagnosis and management of complications of parenteral nutrition in pediatrics
1Unidad de GastroenterologÃa y Nutrición Infantil. Hospital Universitario «Santa LucÃa». Cartagena (Murcia). 2Sección de GastroenterologÃa y Nutrición Infantil. Hospital Universitario «Virgen Macarena». Sevilla. 3Unidad de Nutrición Infantil y Enfermedades Metabólicas. Hospital Universitario Infantil «La Paz». Madrid
Parenteral nutrition is exposed to various complications, some of which may be serious. The prevention of them plays an important role in the success of parenteral nutrition long-term.
Most of the complications can be minimized through early diagnosis and careful handling of catheters, since they accumulate most of the serious complications. Complications in the short and medium-term parenteral nutrition are discussed in this article as they are mechanical, metabolic, infectious complications and psychosocial as well as refeeding syndrome.
Correo electrónico: ana_morais_lopez@hotmail.com
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