Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 78(1-2)
Introduction: The infection of a cephalohematoma is an infrequente but potentially fatal condition due to its possible complications such as osteomyelitis, meningitis or sepsis.
Case report: The report describes a newborn delivered by cesarean section, and a history of duodenal atresia with surgical correction, who develops, at 8 days of life, an infection of a cephalohematoma with sepsis and meningitis. After aspiration of the cephalohematoma and a three week course of antibiotics, she showed a favorable outcome.
Conclusion: When the infection of a cephalohematoma is suspected, its drainage is both a diagnostic and therapeutic tool, as antibiotic therapy alone is often insufficient. Possible complications such as meningitis, osteomyelitis and sepsis must be ruled out.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Cephalohematoma infection neonatal sepsis meningitis osteomyelitis newborn.
- Todos_autores C. Cortés Ledesma, A. Moral Larraz, P. Alonso Rivero, E. Maderuelo
- autores listados C. Cortés Ledesma, A. Moral Larraz, P. Alonso Rivero, E. Maderuelo
C. Cortés Ledesma. Departamento de Neonatología. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón. Dr. Esquerdo, 46. 28007 Madrid.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Newborn with infected cephalohematoma complicated with meningitis: report of one case
- Centros_trabajo Departamento de Neonatología. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón. Madrid
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2020; 78(1-2): e63-65
- copyright ©2020 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Case Reports
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 76(1-2)
Introduction: Preterm birth suppresses radically easily assimilable energy that provides placental transport, posing a nutritional medical emergency, because the digestive tract of preterm infant is unable to manage and absorb the energy required by extrauterine life and postnatal growth. Because of the characteristics of immaturity and own morbidity of newborn preterm and/or small for gestational age, it’s necessary to individualize the composition of parenteral nutrition, adapting it to the needs and tolerance of each newborn.Objective: The aim of our work is to design a program that allows the calculations of parenteral nutrition of the newborn individually.Methods: Current recommendations of macro and micronutrients are reviewed, and with the variables gestational age, weight, days of life and laboratory parameters, some mathematical equations are established.Results: We obtain a series of continuous functions relating requirements based on current scientific evidence with age, weight and nutrition day, simplifying the individualized prescription and the development of parenteral nutrition.Conclusions: This calculation method allow us to reduce errors in the calculation of parenteral nutrition in preterm infants, because simplifying operations the risk of error decreases, allowing the calculation of an individual parenteral nutrition easily, quickly and safely.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Parenteral nutrition Neonatal Individualization Mathematical equations Factors
- Todos_autores N. Lago Rivero1, A. Concheiro Guisán2, A. Paradela Carreiro1, M.L. González Durán2, M.M. López-Gil Otero1, M.T. Inaraja Bobo1, G. Piñeiro Corrales1
- autores listados N. Lago Rivero, A. Concheiro Guisán, A. Paradela Carreiro, M.L. González Durán, M.M. López-Gil Otero, M.T. Inaraja Bobo, G. Piñeiro Corrales
N. Lago Rivero. Servicio de Farmacia. Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo. Camiño dos Cañotais, 44. 36315 Vigo (Pontevedra).
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Parenteral nutrition in neonates: Individualization of the prescription
- Centros_trabajo 1Servicio de Farmacia. 2UCI de Neonatología. Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo. Vigo (Pontevedra)
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2018; 76(1-2): 20-26
- copyright ©2018 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 2/11/16
- Fecha aceptacion 7/11/16
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Review
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 75(7-8)
Introduction: Neonatal appendicitis (NA) is a rare disease, and differential diagnosis with necrotizing enterocolitis is hard to do.Clinical cases: We present three cases of NA found in our centre in the last 12 years.Results: All of them were premature infants less than 1,500 g, with physical findings of abdominal distention and perforation. All of them survived after laparotomy and appendectomy. No other diseases were associated (Hirschsprung disease, cystic fibrosis).Conclusions: We find neonatal appendicitis to be rare, and in our experience is not related to Hirschsprung disease or cystic fibrosis. With early diagnoses, prognosis seems to be good.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Neonatal appendicitis Newborn Appendectomy Perforation Necrotizing enterocolitis
- Todos_autores R. Gregorio-Hernández1, A. Pérez-Pérez1, M. Arriaga-Redondo1, I. Simal2, M. Sánchez-Luna1
- autores listados R. Gregorio-Hernández, A. Pérez-Pérez, M. Arriaga-Redondo, I. Simal, M. Sánchez-Luna
R. Gregorio-Hernández. Servicio de Neonatología. Hospital Infantil Universitario «Gregorio Marañón». O’Donnell, 48. 28009 Madrid.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Neonatal appendicitis. Our experience and review
- Centros_trabajo 1Servicio de Neonatología. 2Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica. Hospital Infantil Universitario «Gregorio Marañón». Madrid
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2017; 75(7-8): e138-e140
- copyright ©2017 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 25/08/16
- Fecha aceptacion 6/09/16
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Case Reports
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 72(2)
Introduction: The postnatal period is important for intestinal microbiota establishment, which is involved with the intestinal development, prevention of pathogens colonization, digestion and synthesis of nutrients, as well as immune and neuronal systems maturation. Intestinal colonization takes place during the first days of life, being influenced by the method of delivery, type of lactation, and the environment. Furthermore, the microbiota composition and functionality might be influenced by maternal and neonatal diet. The objective of this review was to present scientific evidence published during the last years regarding the role of delivery methods, type of lactation, supplementation with pre and probiotics on neonatal intestinal microbiota composition.
Methods: In this work, more than 19 articles published during the last 15 years and obtained from different specialized databases (NCBI, Web of Science, Elsevier Journal, Science Direct) are included. We have analysed studies related to humans.
Results: The method of delivery and type of lactation might modify the intestinal microbiota in new-borns. Supplementation with probiotics increased the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus genera. More studies are needed to evaluate the effects of probiotics in the development and functionality of intestinal microbiota in the newborns. Supplementation with prebiotics may induce the production of secondary metabolites that are able to modulate the newborn epigenome's.
Conclusions: More studies are needed to elucidate the exact mechanisms that modifies in the microbiota composition and describe personalized nutritional strategies to enhance the newborn development. - Palabras_clave_ingles Newborn Pregnancy Birth Lactation Intestinal microbiota Prebiotics Probiotics
- Todos_autores C. López Moriana, N. Mach
- autores listados C. López Moriana, N. Mach
N. Mach. Estudis de Ciències de la Salut. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Avda. del Tibidabo, 39. 08035 Barcelona.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Influence of pregnancy, birth and type of lactation on infant gut microbiota
- Centros_trabajo Estudis de Ciències de la Salut. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Barcelona
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2014; 72(2): 37-44
- copyright ©2014 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 22/07/13
- Fecha aceptacion 9/09/13
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 71(8)
Introduction: Congenital lung malformations are rare and generally have an asymptomatic development in the neonatal period. The detection of this condition is done by antenatal studies and it is later confirmed at birth with imaging tests. Although an expectant attitude towards asymptomatic patients may be adopted, the recommendation is to perform a surgical resection programmed between 3-6 months of life, given the serious complications these patients can suffer.
Clinical cases: This study presents 4 cases of congenital lung malformations –detected antenatally in our center in the last 6 years– focusing on their diagnosis, characteristics and further development.
Results: All four cases were unilateral malformations detected antenatally by the second quarter ultrasound, of which three were also detected by nuclear magnetic resonance. One of them was a hybrid lesion (congenital malformation of the lung-pulmonary sequestration) associated with an intralobar sequestration in the contralateral lung. Only one of the cases presented respiratory distress at birth, the others being asymptomatic. The chest-X-ray and axial tomography (CT) done postnatally confirmed the diagnosis in three of the patients; the fourth patient was diagnosed after a CT showed bronchial atresia, despite having a normal chest-X-ray. Lobectomy was performed on the patient with neonatal distress and the patient with the hybrid lesion, who had had a pulmonary infection at 3 months of life.
Conclusions: This study provides 4 cases of exceptional observation. Congenital lung malformation is a potentially serious pathology, so it is important for all pediatricians to know about it. Thus, a multidisciplinary involvement is needed so as to unify criteria in order to provide patients with the best specialised care. - Palabras_clave_ingles Respiratory infection newborn antenatal detection cystic adenomatoid malformation pulmonary sequestration
- Todos_autores A. Sánchez-Castro1, A.M. Fernández Rey1, S. Dosil Gallardo1, M. Liñares2, M.J. Fernández Seara, M. Macía Cortiñas3, J.M. Fraga1, M.L. Couce1
- autores listados A. Sánchez-Castro, A.M. Fernández Rey, S. Dosil Gallardo, M. Liñares, M.J. Fernández Seara, M. Macía Cortiñas, J.M. Fraga, M.L. Couce
M.L. Couce. Servicio de Neonatología. Departamento de Pediatría. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela. Rúa da Choupana, s/n. 15706 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña).
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Attitude facing congenital lung malformations
- Centros_trabajo 1Servicio de Neonatología. Departamento de Pediatría. 2Servicio de Radiología. 3Servicio de Obstetricia. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2013; 71(8): e224-e232
- copyright ©2013 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 31/07/12
- Fecha aceptacion 3/10/12
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 64(5)
Background: Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn is a complex, multifactorial clinical syndrome, associated with primary and secondary cardiopulmonary diseases. It is responsible for 2% of the admissions to the newborn intensive care unit.
Material and methods: A review of the recent literature (up until September 2004) in basic and clinical science, indexed in Medline, that mentions the MeSh term "Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn" in basic and clinical science.
Results: In all, we selected 87 articles that provide information on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, etiology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.
Conclusions: The main objective of the treatment of newborns with persistent pulmonary hypertension is to lower the peripheral vascular resistance, while maintaining the blood pressure and the cardiac output. It may be associated with significant respiratory and neurological morbidity. The mortal¬ity rate ranges between 10% and 40%.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Pulmonary hypertension newborn.
- Todos_autores R. Santiago Gómez1 , M. Domínguez Salgado2, F. Zaragozá Arnáez3
- autores listados R. Santiago Gómez , M. Domínguez Salgado, F. Zaragozá Arnáez
R. Santiago Gómez. Arturo Soria, 324, 5.º C. 28033 Madrid.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
- Centros_trabajo 1Sección de Pediatría C.S. Alpes. Área 4. 2Departamento de Neuropediatría, Hospital Clínico «San Carlos». 3Departamento de Farmacología. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Complutense. Madrid
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2006; 64: 208-218
- copyright ©2006 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 22/02/05
- Fecha aceptacion 10/10/05
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 67(4)
Introduction: Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) is a term used to describe a disorder characterized by multiple, nonprogressive joint contractures at birth. The classic form of peripheral AMC, referred to as amyoplasia, is always sporadic. In neurogenic arthrogryposis, the most frequent form (90%), the initial injury would be in the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, the nerve roots or the peripheral nerve.
Case reports: We report the cases of two newborns who pre¬sented similar clinical signs of amyoplasia. One had joint contractures, muscle atrophy and incontinence. The other had flaccid paraplegia with muscle atrophy in lower limbs and abdominal muscle atony. Both mothers had consumed cocaine during pregnancy. In both patients, neurophysiological exam¬ination demonstrated denervation at different levels of spinal cord.
Discussion: Necrosis of the fetal spinal cord caused by systemic hypotension has been postulated as a cause of amyoplasia. The mechanism of cocaine-related cerebrovascular accidents in adults is probably related to adrenergic stimulation, cerebral vasoconstriction and a sudden surge in blood pres¬sure. In our two cases, the clinical findings reported at birth were due to denervation at different levels of the spinal cord. Therefore, the defects in our patients may be associated with maternal use of cocaine during pregnancy, producing small vessel vasoconstriction and vascular disruption in the fetal spinal cord.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Amyoplasia arthrogryposis cocaine newborn nervous system diseases
- Todos_autores G. Sebastiani, F. Botet, J. Figueras, A. Pertierra, J.M. Rodríguez-Miguélez
- autores listados G. Sebastiani, F. Botet, J. Figueras, A. Pertierra, J.M. Rodríguez-Miguélez
Giorgia Sebastiani. Buenos Aires, 9, 5.º-3.ª. 08029 Barcelona.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Congenital amyoplasia and maternal cocaine use
- Centros_trabajo Institut Clínic de Ginecologia, Obstetrícia i Neonatologia. Unidad integrada Hospital Clínic-Hospital Sant Joan de Déu. Universitat de Barcelona
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2006; 64: 353-356
- copyright ©2006 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 31/01/06
- Fecha aceptacion 20/02/06
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 64(7)
We report a case of neonatal osteoarthritis in a 21-day-old girl who had required hospital admission at birth. This disease is uncommon in infants, but is of great importance because of the marked medium-term and long-term impact associated with delayed diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, this entity should not be overlooked in those newborns in whom there is clinical evidence, although nonspecific, of pain on joint movement or inexplicable crying, especially in those who have been subjected to hospital admission and those who have undergone techniques such as venipuncture. Early medical and/or surgical treatment improves the long-term results, reason for which it is so important.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Osteomyelitis arthritis newborn
- Todos_autores A. Pérez Muñuzuri, I. Del Río Pastoriza, M. Picón Cotos, M. García Reboredo, M.L. Couce Pico, J.R. Fernández Lorenzo
- autores listados A. Pérez Muñuzuri, I. Del Río Pastoriza, M. Picón Cotos, M. García Reboredo, M.L. Couce Pico, J.R. Fernández Lorenzo
A. Pérez Muñuzuri. Restollal, 11-B, 3.º G. 15702 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña).
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Neonatal osteoarthritis: a diagnosis to be taken into consideration
- Centros_trabajo Servicio de Neonatología. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2006; 64: 345-347
- copyright ©2006 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 24/11/05
- Fecha aceptacion 12/12/05
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 65(7)
Introduction: The incidence of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome among newborn infants seems to be increasing in recent years.
Methods: We review the cases of neonatal staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome followed at our hospital over the last 10 years (1997-2006).
Results: Twenty-six cases of this syndrome were diagnosed, four of them (15%) during the first month of life. All of them presented erythroderma, bullae, perioral and nasal fissures and purulent conjunctivitis. None had fever, leukocytosis or an increase in C-reactive protein. Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus was isolated in nasal or conjunctival samples. The patients were treated with intravenous cloxacillin for a mean period of 7 days and they presented desquamation without scarring.
Conclusions: Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome appears during the neonatal period in up to 15% of cases. Early treatment with intravenous cloxacillin results in a favorable outcome.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome newborn infant Staphylococcus aureus
- Todos_autores A.P. Nso Roca, F. Baquero-Artigao, M.J. García-Miguel, C. Benito Caldés, M.I. de José Gómez, F. del Castillo Martín
- autores listados A.P. Nso Roca, F. Baquero-Artigao, M.J. García-Miguel, C. Benito Caldés, M.I. de José Gómez, F. del Castillo Martín
A.P. Nso Roca. Unidad de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Hospital Materno-Infantil «La Paz». Paseo de la Castellana, 261. 28046 Madrid.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Neonatal staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
- Centros_trabajo Unidad de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Hospital Materno-Infantil «La Paz». Madrid
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2007; 65(7): 327-329
- copyright ©2007 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 02/04/07
- Fecha aceptacion 02/04/07
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 65(6)
Hemangiomas are the most common type of hepatic vascular tumors in infants. They are nearly always benign, and most of them are diagnosed incidentally and have no clinical significance. When they produce symptoms, medical treatment, such as corticosteroid therapy, is initially recommended. If medical management fails to control symptomatic hemangiomas, they should be treated aggressively (by hepatic artery ligation, embolization, resection, etc.). We report the case of a hepatic hemangioma in a newborn infant that was resistant to medical treatment, but was successfully treated by selective hepatic artery ligation.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Congestive heart failure hepatic hemangioma newborn infant
- Todos_autores R. Sarrat Torres1, P. Betrian Blasco1, S. Rite Montañés1, J.A. Esteban Ibarz2
- autores listados R. Sarrat Torres, P. Betrian Blasco, S. Rite Montañés, J.A. Esteban Ibarz
R. Sarrat Torres. Arquitecto Moragas, 18, Esc. A, 4.º 2.ª. 08035 Barcelona.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Heart failure in a newborn infant: hepatic hemangioma, management and review of the literature
- Centros_trabajo 1Unidad de Neonatología. 2Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica. Hospital «Miguel Servet». Zaragoza
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2007; 65(6): 292-294
- copyright ©2007 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 29/01/07
- Fecha aceptacion 29/01/07
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 67(1)
Enteroviral meningitis is uncommon in the newborn infant. It may be underdiagnosed because the usual laboratory tests, except that performed in cerebrospinal fluid, may be normal. Two new cases in newborn infants are reported.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Newborn meningitis enterovirus
- Todos_autores A. Costa Ramírez, M.Y. Ruiz del Prado, A. Peña Busto, I. Esteban Díez, C. Cristóbal Navas1, M.L. Poch Olivé
- autores listados A. Costa Ramírez, M.Y. Ruiz del Prado, A. Peña Busto, I. Esteban Díez, C. Cristóbal Navas, M.L. Poch Olivé
A. Costa Ramírez. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital «San Pedro». Piqueras, 98. 26006 Logroño (La Rioja).
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Neonatal enteroviral meningitis
- Centros_trabajo Sección de Neonatología. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital «San Pedro». Logroño (La Rioja). 1Servicio de Pediatría. Fundación Hospital de Calahorra. Calahorra (La Rioja)
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2009; 67(1): 34-35
- copyright ©2009 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 07/05/08
- Fecha aceptacion 21/05/08
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 69(5)
Introduction: The visits to the emergency services by the newborn babies can cause a great anxiety in their parents and in the emergency department staff. As a result of a shorter postpartum hospital stay, many childcare concerns, which traditionally have been managed in newborn nurseries, are appearing in the pediatric emergency department. The parents' education is fundamental to diminish the anxiety and to solve doubts and concern, and in that form diminish the congestion in these services, costs and all the implications that this brings.
Material and methods: We performed a retrospective study of patients younger than 28 days old of life who were attended at the pediatric emergency department in 2009. Information on sex, age, time and date, parents ethnic group, referral by another medical doctor/center, cause of consultation, complementary examinations, final diagnosis, and patients admission.
Results: There were 415 visits to newborn babies. The mean chronological age was 12.5 days, 51.3 % were boys. Visits were most frequent on evening shifts, and in the months of May and December. The most frequent main complaint was jaundice (15.4%) and changes in intestinal rhythm (14.4%). 27.5% were children of immigrants. The most frequent final diagnoses were childcare concerns (35.9%) and jaundice (15.7%). Complementary examinations were not required in 70.8%.The admission rate was of 12%, most commonly due to jaundice (3.9%) and fever (1.7%).
Conclusions: The vast majority of visits were due to minor problems that did not require complementary examinations and could have been resolved in primary care centers.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Newborn emergencies pediatric hospital
- Todos_autores M.E. Rubio Jiménez, E. Cid París, G. Arriola Pereda, A. Ortigado Matamala, M.J. Alija Merillas, J.M. Jiménez Bustos
- autores listados M.E. Rubio Jiménez, E. Cid París, G. Arriola Pereda, A. Ortigado Matamala, M.J. Alija Merillas, J.M. Jiménez Bustos
M.E. Rubio Jiménez. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara. Donantes de Sangre, s/n. 19002 Guadalajara.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Management of newborns in the emergency department in a secondary hospital
- Centros_trabajo Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara. Universidad de Alcalá
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2011; 69(5): 201-206
- copyright ©2011 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 26/09/10
- Fecha aceptacion 03/11/10