Acta Pediátrica Española

ISSN 2014-2986

Información adicional

  • Num_publicacion 78(1-2)
  • Resumen_ingles

    Introduction: The infection of a cephalohematoma is an infrequente but potentially fatal condition due to its possible complications such as osteomyelitis, meningitis or sepsis.

    Case report: The report describes a newborn delivered by cesarean section, and a history of duodenal atresia with surgical correction, who develops, at 8 days of life, an infection of a cephalohematoma with sepsis and meningitis. After aspiration of the cephalohematoma and a three week course of antibiotics, she showed a favorable outcome.

    Conclusion: When the infection of a cephalohematoma is suspected, its drainage is both a diagnostic and therapeutic tool, as antibiotic therapy alone is often insufficient. Possible complications such as meningitis, osteomyelitis and sepsis must be ruled out.

  • Palabras_clave_ingles Cephalohematoma infection neonatal sepsis meningitis osteomyelitis newborn.
  • Todos_autores C. Cortés Ledesma, A. Moral Larraz, P. Alonso Rivero, E. Maderuelo
  • autores listados C. Cortés Ledesma, A. Moral Larraz, P. Alonso Rivero, E. Maderuelo
  • Correspondecia

    C. Cortés Ledesma. Departamento de Neonatología. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón. Dr. Esquerdo, 46. 28007 Madrid.
    Correo electrónico:

  • Titulo_ingles Newborn with infected cephalohematoma complicated with meningitis: report of one case
  • Centros_trabajo Departamento de Neonatología. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón. Madrid
  • Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2020; 78(1-2): e63-65
  • copyright ©2020 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
  • Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Case Reports
Publicado en Notas clínicas

Información adicional

  • Num_publicacion 74(10)
  • Resumen_ingles
    The alloimmune neonatal neutropenia (NAN) is a rare condition that affects newborn maternal IgG antibody production against specific antigens of neutrophils (HNA) of paternal inheritance and not present on neutrophils from the mother and in antigens present in the fetus. These maternal antibodies pass the fetus through the placenta causing the elimination of the fetal neutrophils, increasing the risk of infection during the neonatal period. There are seven subtypes of HNA, but the most often related to NAN are the HNA-1a, HNA-1b and HNA-2a. The treatment of choice is G-CSF and refractory cases, intravenous immunoglobulin or corticosteroids, are other treatment options. 
    Neonatal sepsis and persistent thrombocytopenia are two complications frequently associated with NAN. Thrombocytopenia in NAN, commonly occurs by three mechanisms: sepsis own, iatrogenic effect of G-CSF and cross-reactivity between antibodies and platelets anti-HNA. In our case report we present a fourth mechanism, so multifactorial and associated with the previous three mechanisms explains the persistent thrombocytopenia in our case NAN.
  • Palabras_clave_ingles Neonatal alloimmune neutropenia Anti HNA 2a neonatal sepsis Anti HNA 2a Umbilical cord infection Portal vein thrombosis
  • Todos_autores J. Gramage Tormo, M. Urán Moreno, V. Rocamora Romero, A. de la Morena Campillo, D. Echenique Lara
  • autores listados J. Gramage Tormo, M. Urán Moreno, V. Rocamora Romero, A. de la Morena Campillo, D. Echenique Lara
  • Correspondecia
    J. Gramage Tormo. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Clínico Universitario «San Juan». Ctra. Nacional 332 Alacant-Valencia, s/n. 03550 Sant Joan d’Alacant (Alicante).
    Correo electrónico:
  • Titulo_ingles Portal vein thrombosis as a cause of thrombocytopenia persistent in neonatal alloimmune neutropenia HNA-2a
  • Centros_trabajo Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Clínico Universitario «San Juan». Alicante
  • Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2016; 74(10): e222-e225
  • copyright ©2016 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
  • Fecha recepcion 4/01/16
  • Fecha aceptacion 8/04/16
  • Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Case Reports
Publicado en Notas clínicas

Información adicional

  • Num_publicacion 70(10)
  • Resumen_ingles

    Streptococcus bovis is a nonenterococcal, group D streptococcus, which frequently causes infections in immunocompromised adults and exceptionally cases of invasive infections in neonates, often caused by the variant 2 of the biotype II. It is important the correct microbiological identification because the treatment and prognostic are very different from other streptococcus.

    We report a case of a 9-day-old neonate with sepsis and meningitis with seizures and intracranial bleeding, with CSF and blood isolation of S. bovis biotype I, with good response to ampicillin and cefotaxime treatment. This is the first case in our service and probably the first documented in the literature according to the bibliography review. We comment the most interesting aspects of the affection.

  • Palabras_clave_ingles Neonatal sepsis neonatal meningitis newborn Streptococcus bovis
  • Todos_autores R. Fernando Martínez1, E. Janer Subías1, G. Gómez Tena1, L. Gracia Torralba1, J.P. García Iñiguez1, M.C. Palacián Ruiz2, C. Villuendas Usón2, V. Rebage Moisés1
  • autores listados R. Fernando Martínez, E. Janer Subías, G. Gómez Tena, L. Gracia Torralba, J.P. García Iñiguez, M.C. Palacián Ruiz, C. Villuendas Usón, V. Rebage Moisés
  • Correspondecia
    V. Rebage Moisés. Princesa, 11-13, 3.º A. 50005 Zaragoza.
    Correo electrónico:
  • Titulo_ingles Neonatal sepsis and meningitis caused by “Streptococcus bovis” biotype I (“S. gallolyticus” subsp. “gallolyticus”). Report of a case and review of the literature
  • Centros_trabajo 1Unidad Neonatal. 2Servicio de Microbiología. Hospital Universitario «Miguel Servet». Zaragoza
  • Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2012; 70(10): e23-e26
  • copyright ©2012 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
  • Fecha recepcion 11/06/11
  • Fecha aceptacion 19/07/11
Publicado en Notas clínicas

Información adicional

  • Num_publicacion 64(5)
  • Resumen_ingles

    Streptococcus bovis is a recognized cause of bacteremia and endocarditis in adults, usually in association with gastrointestinal diseases. In contrast, this microorganism is a very infrequent cause of neonatal and pediatric infectious diseases. We report two cases of neonatal infection in which S. bovis (biotype II/2) was isolated from blood. The first patient presented with fever and gastrointestinal symptoms and recovered after antibiotic treatment. The second patient presented with respiratory distress. His course was fulminant and, in spite of therapy, he died 22 hours after birth. A review of the literature revealed only 27 previously reported cases of neonatal infection due to S. bovis in which this microorganism was isolated from blood. In this review, the infection appeared to be associated with a relatively good prognosis, but occasionally, as in the case of our second patient, the course can be rapid and fulminant and the outcome fatal.

  • Palabras_clave_ingles Neonatal infection neonatal bacteremia neonatal sepsis Streptococcus bovis
  • Todos_autores D. Tena Gómez1, R. Carranza González1, R. Garrido Palomo2, J. Fernández Cenjor3, J. Rodríguez López2
  • autores listados D. Tena Gómez, R. Carranza González, R. Garrido Palomo, J. Fernández Cenjor, J. Rodríguez López
  • Correspondecia
    D. Tena Gómez. Sección de Microbiología. Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara. Donante de sangre, s/n. 19002 Guadalajara.
    Correo electrónico:
  • Titulo_ingles Neonatal bacteremia caused by Streptococcus bovis
  • Centros_trabajo 1Laboratorio de Microbiología. 2Servicio de Pediatría. 3Servicio de Análisis Clínicos. Hospital General La Mancha Centro. Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real)
  • Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2006; 64: 240-243
  • copyright ©2006 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
  • Fecha recepcion julio 2005
  • Fecha aceptacion octubre 2005
Publicado en Notas clínicas
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