Acta Pediátrica Española

ISSN 2014-2986

Información adicional

  • Num_publicacion 78(3-4)
  • Resumen_ingles

    Introduction: Acute confusional state (ACS), also called delirium, is a transient organic mental syndrome in which cognitive functions are altered in a variable way, especially attention. It is more frequent in the elderly and children, although about children literature is still scarce. The causes of ACS can be classified into three main groups: systemic processes, drug intake and neurological diseases. Intoxication, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and central nervous system infections are the most common causes in children. Before an ACS in the pediatric age, a correct history and an adequate differential diagnosis should always be made. Before an abnormal or aggressive behavior with an abrupt onset, it´s important to always rule out the possibility of an organic pathology and not attribute it to behavioral disorders or psychiatric pathology.

    Clinical cases: We present four clinical cases of ACS of different etiologies that occurred in the Pediatric Emergency Department of a secondary hospital.

    Conclusions: Although ACS is more frequent in adults, pediatricians must be prepared to identify it, treat its symptoms and find out the underlying cause in order to establish early treatment.

  • Palabras_clave_ingles Acute confusional state delirium children pediatrics syndrome
  • Todos_autores M.A. Santos Sánchez-Rey, M.M. Ballesteros García, M.A. Taboas Pereira
  • autores listados M.A. Santos Sánchez-Rey, M.M. Ballesteros García, M.A. Taboas Pereira
  • Titulo_ingles Acute confusional syndrome in children: a rare pathology
  • Centros_trabajo Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Fuenlabrada (Madrid)
  • Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2020; 78(3-4): e178-e182
  • copyright ©2020 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
  • Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Case Reports
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