La fiebre recurrente por espiroquetas del género Borrelia es una enfermedad transmitida por vectores, infradiagnosticada en nuestro medio. Sin embargo, la existencia de una prueba fácil de realizar desde el área de urgencias deberÃa facilitar el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. Ello es básico para iniciar una pronta terapia antibiótica, ya que reduce la elevada morbilidad que la historia natural de la enfermedad conlleva. Presentamos el caso de un niño con fiebre recurrente por Borrelia, enfermedad contraÃda en su paÃs de origen.
Relapsing fever caused by spirochetes of the genus Borrelia is a vector-borne disease that is currently underdiagnosed in our area. However, a readily available diagnostic test performÂed in the emergency department could help identify this disease. The test would be essential to start early antibiotic therapy, which, in turn, would decrease the high rate of morbidity associated with the natural history of this condition. We present the case of a child with relapsing fever caused by Borrelia, who contracted the disease in his country of origin, and was seen and diagnosed in our emergency department.