NeuropatÃa tomacular: presentación de un caso pediátrico con estudio electrofisiológico normal
Tomaculous neuropathy: a case report with normal electrophysiology study
1Servicio de PediatrÃa. 2Sección de NeuropediatrÃa. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete. 3Servicio de PediatrÃa. Hospital Universitario de Jerez (Cádiz)
Tomaculous neuropathy or hereditary neuropathy with pressure sensitive palsies is a generalized polyneuropathy characterized by recurrent palsy episodies of sudden onset and not painful sensory disorder precipitated by minor trauma or compression. The diagnosis is performed by suggestive symptoms at clinical history and neurophysiological studies showing findings consistent with sensory-motor demyelinating polyneuropathy; it can be confirmed by nerve biopsy or molecular genetic studies showing a partial 17p11.2 deletion that removes the gene encoding the peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP 22), or a decrease of this product. This is a relatively uncommon entity within the group of hereditary sensory-motor peripheral neuropathies (HSMN) with a prevalence of 16/100,000, however, because of its insidious nature it is probably underestimated. We report the case of a girl affected by tomaculous neuropathy with typical symptoms and carrier of the PMP 22 gene deletion who presented a normal neurophysiological study. We emphasize the normality of neurophysiological study in order to justify the genetic study in the case of clinical tomaculous neuropathy without electrophysiological abnormalities, especially in short time evolution cases.
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