Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 70(1)
The epidermolysis bullosa constitute a group of determined genetically illnesses characterized by an excessive fragility of the skin to the friction forces. All of them take place for protein alterations, today known, that intervene in the union of the epidermis with the dermis. This leads to the formation of erosion and blisters, spontaneously or before a minimal traumatism. The patients suffering from this type of pathologies need a very careful clinical handling, which propitiates them the attention adapted to support a good quality of life, as well as the prevention and opportune treatment of the multiple complications that they can present, some of which can go so far as to threaten their life. We present of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa case at birth, confirmed throughout histological and ultrastructural studies.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Epidermolysis bullosa congenital absence of skin clinical handling
- Todos_autores L. Blanquer Fagoaga, B. Garrido García, L. Martínez Casimiro, M. Romero Andreu
- autores listados L. Blanquer Fagoaga, B. Garrido García, L. Martínez Casimiro, M. Romero Andreu
L. Blanquer Fagoaga. Servicio de Pediatría. Consorcio del Hospital General Universitario de Valencia. Avda. Tres Cruces, 2. 46014 Valencia.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Clinical handling of hereditary dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa: a case report
- Centros_trabajo Servicio de Pediatría. Consorcio del Hospital General Universitario de Valencia
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp.2012; 70(1): 31-34
- copyright ©2012 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 10/11/10
- Fecha aceptacion 23/11/10