Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 76(7-8)
Introduction: A surgical process implies for the child an eventual traumatic experience marked by an excessive load of fear and anxiety that can negatively affect this process. Surgical psychoprophylaxis (SP) may prevent this effect. The objective of this study is to describe our initial experience with SP in a private center.Patients and methods: Retrospective review of patients undergoing scheduled surgery with SP (July 2015/July 2016). It has been made: pre-surgical interview with parents; «diagnostic playing-hour» with children (drawings, role play with a puppet, stories and illustrations support, familiarization with surgical elements and a surgical area visit), telephone follow-up and a post-procedure assessment.Results: Seventeen patients (boys 15 [88%]) were operated aged between 3 and 13 years (median 6.9 years) and hernias, phimosis, hypospadias, cryptorchism, ankyloglossia, tonsillitis and prominent ears were intervened. 65% of parents rated themselves as «quite» or «very worried», and 53% reported insufficient understanding of the information provided by the surgeon. In 9 children (53%) all over 5 years, there were behavioral changes (improved post-SP). In 14 cases (87.5%), the postoperative night was quiet and only 3 patients (18.7%) needed additional medication (antiemetic or analgesic). 93% of the parents considered SP very beneficial and 87% considered that the information received was in line with the reality of the surgical process. All parents would recommend SP.Conclusions: The SP program is effective for both children and their parents, reducing the anxiety and fear that child surgery involves.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Paediatric surgery Surgical psychoprophylaxis Anxiety
- Todos_autores V. Fiszson1, S. Rigol Sanmartín2, I. Muntasell Peradejordi3, G. Vila Rubina4, F. Muñiz Llama5, M. Tremols Esmel6, J. Mallofre Fontanet7
- autores listados V. Fiszson, S. Rigol Sanmartín, I. Muntasell Peradejordi, G. Vila Rubina, F. Muñiz Llama, M. Tremols Esmel, J. Mallofre Fontanet
V. Fiszson. Unidad de Psicología. Hospital Quirónsalud del Vallés. Passeig Rubió i Ors, 23. 08203 Sabadell (Barcelona).
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Paediatric surgical psychoprophylaxis: Initial experience at a private center
- Centros_trabajo 1Unidad de Psicología. 2Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica. 3Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. 4Departamento de Anestesiología. 5Servicio de Pediatría. 6Departamento de Enfermería. 7Dirección Médica. Hospital Quirónsalud del Vallés. Sabadell (Barcelona)
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2018; 76(5-6): e86-e92
- copyright ©2018 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 4/06/17
- Fecha aceptacion 1/09/17
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Observational Study
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