Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 77(7-8)
Introduction: Child mortality is correlated with poverty and a lower development of geographic communities. A study of child mortality was made over 9 years in the central area of Cartago (Costa Rica).
Objetive: To determine the factors associated with the infant death and compare them with those found in the international literature.
Methodology: The factors related to child mortality were determined by comparing the more socially deprived category with the least in each variable. For this purpose the «exposed» rate was compared against the «not exposed», a difference between the rates was established, along with the prevalence ratio and the p value.
Results: The variables with a bigger risk for child death were: year of death, mother’s level of study, age at time of death, weight at birth, mother’s socioeconomic condition, complications during pregnancy, type of risk in the pregnancy, mother’s paid activities, quality of housing and father’s level of study.
Discussion: As a result a theory was validated, which states that poverty and development conditions are the biggest predictors of child death.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Child mortality Determinants Poverty Risk factors Socioeconomic level
- Todos_autores W.I. Hernández Montoya1-3, A.Y. Monestel Navarro2,4, W. Loria Quiros2,5, H.M. Gutiérrez Vargas1,2, C. Ramírez Gutiérrez2,5, B. Solano Martínez1,2, P. Araya Hernández2,5, R. Mata Brenes2,6
- autores listados W.I. Hernández Montoya, A.Y. Monestel Navarro, W. Loria Quiros, H.M. Gutiérrez Vargas, C. Ramírez Gutiérrez, B. Solano Martínez, P. Araya Hernández, R. Mata Brenes
W.I. Hernández Montoya. COLEAMMI-Cartago. Área rectora de la salud de Cartago, Cartago (Costa Rica).Correo electrónico:
- Titulo_ingles Child mortality and associated factors in the central canton of Carthage, Costa Rica: A study of 100 cases in nine years
- Centros_trabajo 1Ministerio de Salud de Cartago. 2Comisión Local de Evaluación y Análisis de la Mortalidad Materna e Infantil-Cartago (COLEAMMI-Cartago). 3COLEAMMI-Cartago. 4Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social de Corralillo. 5Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social de Cartago. 6Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social de Guarco
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2019; 77(7-8): e114-e121
- copyright ©2019 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 16/01/18
- Fecha aceptacion 26/04/18
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Observational Study
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 77(3-4)
Objective: To measure the magnitude of hyperfrequent users in a pediatric hospital emergency department of a general department hospital and the characteristics of children who are frequent users.Method: Prospective, descriptive, non-experimental study. The number of visits over 12 months is quantified. Hyperfrequent users are defined as these children with a number of consultations/year ≥p85%. From each child demographic and social variables were collected for a multivariate analysis.Results: 406 children were recruited; 49 (12.1%) were hyperfrequent users and generated 36.6% of all emergency room consultations. These children consulted 4.21 times more than non-hyperfrequent users and were hospitalized 3.08 times more. Children under 3 years of age were more hyperfrequent utilizers. We not found that children with chronic diseases were hyperfrequent utilizers.Conclusion: In pediatric hospital emergencies, as in primary care, a small percentage of patients consume a large amount of resources.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Emergency service Hospital Risk factors Acute disease Epidemiology
- Todos_autores F. Aleixandre Blanquer1, M.A. Rodríguez Gutiérrez1, V. Lloret Olcina1, J.A. Quesada Rico2
- autores listados F. Aleixandre Blanquer, M.A. Rodríguez Gutiérrez, V. Lloret Olcina, J.A. Quesada Rico
F. Aleixandre Blanquer. Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital General Universitario de Elda. Ctra. de Elda a Sax, s/n. 03600 Elda (Alicante).
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Hyperfrequentation in a pediatrics hospital emergency department
- Centros_trabajo 1Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital General Universitario de Elda. Elda (Alicante). 2Investigador bioestadístico. Departamento de Medicina Clínica. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Miguel Hernández. Elche (Alicante)
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2019; 77(3-4): 74-81
- copyright ©2019 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 18/09/17
- Fecha aceptacion 23/03/18
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Observational Study
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 77(1-2)
Introduction: Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children from the first year of life. The overall outlook for children with cancer has improved but the causes of most childhood cancers are still unknown.Objective: To know the risk factors, incidence, epidemiology and evolution of cancer among children aged 0-14 years living in Aragón and La Rioja between 2002-2012. Analyze the knowledge of the pathogenesis of pediatric cancer.Materials and methods: Retrospective study of 327 patients of 5 Oncopediatrics Units of Spain. The National Childhood Tumor Registry provided the basic data of these cases; the additional data were obtained from the files of the Oncopediatrics Unit in the Miguel Servet University Hospital.Results: There were 338 new cases and the incidence rate was of 131 cases per million with a predominance of male gender. The median time from first symptoms to diagnosis was 4 weeks. Cancer incidence was similar to the literature reviewed. There were 68 deaths (64.2% immediately due to cancer), the 5-year survival rate was of 76.8%. 270 patients were Spanish (235 were born in Aragón, 28 in La Rioja and 7 in other Autonomous Community) and 20 foreigners. At the time of diagnosis 28.6% lived in rural areas and 71.4% in urban areas (Aragón: 83.2%; La Rioja: 16.8%). The 55.9 percent of the families were composed of 2 children at diagnosis. The patient was the firstborn in the 47.2% of cases.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Risk factors Incidence Epidemiology Survival and childhood/pediatric cancer
- Todos_autores M.C. Vera Sáez-Benito, P. Samper Villagrasa, M.C. Calvo Escribano
- autores listados M.C. Vera Sáez-Benito, P. Samper Villagrasa, M.C. Calvo Escribano
M.C. Vera Sáez-Benito. Servicio de Oncopediatría. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. P.º Isabel La Católica, 1-3. 50009 Zaragoza.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Childhood cancer incidence and epidemiology in Aragón and La Rioja between 2002 and 2012
- Centros_trabajo Servicio de Oncopediatría. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2019; 77(1-2): 24-33
- copyright ©2019 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 1/10/17
- Fecha aceptacion 24/01/18
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Observational Study
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 74(11)
Infectious mastitis is a common condition during lactation and constitutes one of the main causes of undesired weaning. This condition should be considered as a relevant public health issue, since it deprives the mother-infant pair from the wide range of health benefits that breastfeeding provides. Nevertheless, human mastitis remains to date widely underestimated because human milk cultures are not routinely performed and only acute mastitis cases with local and systemic symptoms are usually reported. The present work constitutes a review about risk factors for infectious mastitis among breastfeeding women, including some aspects related to medical history of mother and infant, pregnancy, delivery and postpartum, and breastfeeding practices. In this sense, to improve the knowledge about these factors will allow to provide appropriate management during breastfeeding and develop strategies to prevent this condition, so that many child-mother pairs fully enjoy the benefits of breastfeeding.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Infectious mastitis Risk factors Breastfeeding Epidemiology Public health
- Todos_autores L. Fernández1, C. García1, M. Carrera2, P. Mediano1, J.M. Rodríguez1, M. Marín1
- autores listados L. Fernández, C. García, M. Carrera, P. Mediano, J.M. Rodríguez, M. Marín
M. Marín. Departamento de Nutrición, Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ciudad Universitaria. 28040 Madrid.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Risk factors for infectious mastitis during breastfeeding
- Centros_trabajo 1Departamento de Nutrición, Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2Centro de Atención Primaria Silvano. Madrid
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2016; 74(11): e243-e250
- copyright ©2016 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 13/05/16
- Fecha aceptacion 24/05/16
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Review
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 73(4)
Objective: To study the risk and protective factors related for the length of breastfeeding and full breastfeeding (FB) in the Region of Murcia, Spain.Methods: Follow-up study from birth until the first year of 327 newborns and their families between 2009 and 2010. We present the descriptive study, survival analysis of breastfeeding and Cox regression model.Results: The median duration of FB was 82 days and 6 months with a prevalence of 15%. The prevalence of breastfeeding at 12 months was 20%. Relative risk (RR) for FB at 6 months: mother smoking (1.79; 95%CI: 1.35-2.38), absence of “early skin-to-skin contact” –after the first hour– (1.18; 95%CI: 1.08-1.28), alcohol intake (at least one drink/week) (1.57; 95%CI: 1.12-2.21), take-homes exposures (chemicals from the work can come home on clothing and shoes) during pregnancy (1.43; 95%CI: 1.10-1.87), maternal university studies (0.48; 95%CI: 0.33-0.70) and maternity leave length (days) (0.99; 95%CI: 0.98-0.99). The RR for breastfeeding at 12 months: maternal smoking (cigarettes/wk) (1.01; 95%CI: 1.01-1.02), duration of previous breastfeeding experiences (weeks) (0.98; 95%CI: 0.97-0.99) and maternity leave length (days) (0.99; 95%CI: 0.98-0.99).Conclusions: A comprehensive approach that helps create healthier environments from the periconcepcional stage must be considered in the development of programs focused on achieving sustained breastfeeding. Factors to consider in program development include: the elimination of exposure to legal and illegal drugs, reduction of take-homes (para-occupational) exposures, expedite early mother-newborn contact in the delivery room, devote more resources to less educated women, and contemplate legal reforms to extend maternity leave.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Breastfeeding Full breastfeeding Environmental health Risk factors Cohort study Epidemiology Cox regression
- Todos_autores J.A. Ortega-García1, A. Cárceles-Álvarez1, A. Cotton-Caballero1, E. Pastor-Torres1, C.A. Cánovas-Conesa1, E. Martínez-Cayuelas1, G.A Rivera-Pagán1, A. Pernas-Barahona1, C. Martínez-Romero1, J. Jiménez Roset2, M. Sánchez-Solís1
- autores listados J.A. Ortega-García, A. Cárceles-Álvarez, A. Cotton-Caballero, E. Pastor-Torres, C.A. Cánovas-Conesa, E. Martínez-Cayuelas, G.A Rivera-Pagán, A. Pernas-Barahona, C. Martínez-Romero, J. Jiménez Roset, M. Sánchez-Solís
J.A. Ortega García. Unidad de Salud Medioambiental Pediátrica. Servicio de Pediatría. Laboratorio de Entorno y Salud Humana. Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria de la Región de Murcia (IMIB). Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. Ctra. Madrid-Cartagena, s/n. 30120 El Palmar (Murcia).
Correo electrónico: ortega@pehsu.orgFinanciación: Mount Sinai International Exchange Program for Minority Students, grant MD001452, National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities del US National Institutes of Health. Programa Argos, Dirección General de Salud Pública de la Consejería de Sanidad y Política Social, Plan Nacional de Drogas, Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. Madrid. - Titulo_ingles Environmental factors related with breastfeeding duration: a one year follow-up study
- Centros_trabajo 1Unidad de Salud Medioambiental Pediátrica. Servicio de Pediatría. Laboratorio de Entorno y Salud Humana. Instituto Murciano de Investigación Biosanitaria (IMIB). Hospital Clínico Universitario «Virgen de la Arrixaca». Murcia. 2Programa Argos. Unidad de Coordinación de Drogodependencias. Dirección General de Salud y Drogodependencias de la Consejería de Sanidad y Política Social. Región de Murcia
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2015; 73(4): 97-104
- copyright ©2015 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 24/11/14
- Fecha aceptacion 2/12/14
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Observational Study
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 73(2)
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to identify potential predisposing factors associated with human infectious mastitis.
Methods: We conducted a case-control study among breastfeeding women, with 368 cases (women with mastitis) and 148 controls. Data were collected by a questionnaire designed to obtain retrospective information about several factors related to medical history of mother and infant, different aspects of pregnancy, delivery and postpartum, and breastfeeding practices that could be involved in mastitis. Bivariate analyses and multivariate logistic regression model were used to examine the relationship between mastitis and these factors.
Results: The variables significantly- and independently-associated with mastitis were cracked nipples (p <0.0001), oral antibiotics during breastfeeding (p <0.0001), breast pumps (p <0.0001), topical antifungal medication during breastfeeding (p= 0.0009), mastitis in previous lactations (p= 0.0014), breast milk coming in later than 24 h postpartum (p= 0.0016), history of mastitis in the family (p= 0.0028), mother-infant separation longer than 24 h (p= 0.0027), cream on nipples (p= 0.0228) and throat infection (p= 0.0224).
Conclusions: Valuable factors related to an increased risk of infectious mastitis have been identified. This knowledge will allow practitioners to provide appropriate management advice about modifiable risk factors, such as the use of pumps or inappropriate medication. They also could identify before delivery those women at an increased risk of developing mastitis, such as those having a familial history of mastitis, and thus develop strategies to prevent this condition. - Palabras_clave_ingles Breastfeeding Infectious mastitis Risk factors Public health Epidemiology
- Todos_autores P. Mediano, L. Fernández, J.M. Rodríguez, M. Marín
- autores listados P. Mediano, L. Fernández, J.M. Rodríguez, M. Marín
Este manuscrito es una traducción al español del siguiente trabajo de investigación: Mediano P, Fernández L, Rodríguez JM, Marín M. Case-control study of risk factors for infectious mastitis in Spanish breastfeeding women. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014; 14(1): 195. Disponible en:
*La primera parte de este artículo se ha publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2015; 73(1): 14-18.
Correspondencia: M. Marín. Departamento de Nutrición, Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ciudad Universitaria. 28040 Madrid.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Case-control study of risk factors for infectious mastitis in Spanish breastfeeding women (part 2)
- Centros_trabajo Departamento de Nutrición, Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2015; 73(2): 41-46
- copyright ©2015 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 10/09/14
- Fecha aceptacion 17/09/14
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Observational Study
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 73(1)
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to identify potential predisposing factors associated with human infectious mastitis.
Methods: We conducted a case-control study among breastfeeding women, with 368 cases (women with mastitis) and 148 controls. Data were collected by a questionnaire designed to obtain retrospective information about several factors related to medical history of mother and infant, different aspects of pregnancy, delivery and postpartum, and breastfeeding practices that could be involved in mastitis. Bivariate analyses and multivariate logistic regression model were used to examine the relationship between mastitis and these factors.
Results: The variables significantly- and independently-associated with mastitis were cracked nipples (p <0.0001), oral antibiotics during breastfeeding (p <0.0001), breast pumps (p <0.0001), topical antifungal medication during breastfeeding (p= 0.0009), mastitis in previous lactations (p= 0.0014), breast milk coming in later than 24 h postpartum (p= 0.0016), history of mastitis in the family (p= 0.0028), mother-infant separation longer than 24 h (p= 0.0027), cream on nipples (p= 0.0228) and throat infection (p= 0.0224).
Conclusions: Valuable factors related to an increased risk of infectious mastitis have been identified. This knowledge will allow practitioners to provide appropriate management advice about modifiable risk factors, such as the use of pumps or inappropriate medication. They also could identify before delivery those women at an increased risk of developing mastitis, such as those having a familial history of mastitis, and thus develop strategies to prevent this condition. - Palabras_clave_ingles Breastfeeding Infectious mastitis Risk factors Public health Epidemiology
- Todos_autores P. Mediano, L. Fernández, J.M. Rodríguez, M. Marín
- autores listados P. Mediano, L. Fernández, J.M. Rodríguez, M. Marín
M. Marín. Departamento de Nutrición, Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ciudad Universitaria. 28040 Madrid.
Correo electrónico: mlmarin@ucm.esEste manuscrito es una traducción al español del siguiente trabajo de investigación: Mediano P, Fernández L, Rodríguez JM, Marín M. Case-control study of risk factors for infectious mastitis in Spanish breastfeeding women. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014; 14(1): 195. Disponible en:
La discusión de este artículo y las referencias correspondientes se incluirán en una segunda parte que se publicará en el siguiente número de la revista (Acta Pediatr Esp. 2015; 73[2]). - Titulo_ingles Case-control study of risk factors for infectious mastitis in Spanish breastfeeding women (part I)
- Centros_trabajo Departamento de Nutrición, Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2015; 73(1): 14-18
- copyright ©2015 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 10/09/14
- Fecha aceptacion 17/09/14
- Tipo de Artículo Clínico (Microdatos) Controlled Clinical Trial
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 72(6)
Objective: To study the prevalence of consumption and attitudes towards alcohol among adolescent students in the province of Valladolid.
Methods: From a total of 18,888 students schools during the 2011-2012 school year, we selected a sample of 2,412 schoolchildren. We conducted an extensive survey of anonymous and autofilled, extracting data related to alcohol.
Results: 77.2% of students had drunk alcohol at least once. The age of starting consumption was between 13 and 14 years. 64% of respondents reported having had an acute intoxication in the past year. Drunkenness was more common in older patients, with no differences in gender. The most common pattern of consumption was the weekend, in bars or pubs, combined or mixed drinks being the most consumed beverage. 8.3% of respondents had conducted (bike or car) under the influence of alcohol, and 20.4% had mounted in car or motorcycle where the driver had been drinking. The final regression model showed that alcohol consumption is associated with consumption of friendships, smoking, drug use and other factors. Instead maintain a good relationship with the father and teachers behave as a protective factor.
Conclusions: We met with devastating results regarding alcohol consumption and drunkenness in adolescents. We consider institutional priority efforts and resources in education, to curb alcohol habit among adolescents. - Palabras_clave_ingles Alcohol Adolescents Risk factors Protective factors
- Todos_autores M. Alfaro González1, M.E. Vázquez Fernández2, A. Fierro Urturi3, M.F. Muñoz Moreno4, L. Rodríguez Molinero5, P. García Gutiérrez6
- autores listados M. Alfaro González, M.E. Vázquez Fernández, A. Fierro Urturi, M.F. Muñoz Moreno, L. Rodríguez Molinero, P. García Gutiérrez
M. Alfaro González. Hospital de Medina del Campo. Peñaranda, 24. 47400 Medina del Campo (Valladolid).
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Alcohol consumption and attitudes about adolescents 13 to 18 years in Valladolid
- Centros_trabajo 1Pediatra. Hospital de Medina del Campo (Valladolid). 2Pediatra. Centro de Salud Arturo Eyries. Valladolid Oeste. 3Pediatra. Centro de Salud Pisuerga. Valladolid Oeste. 4Unidad de Investigación Biomédica. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid. 5Pediatra. Centro de Salud Casa del Barco. Valladolid Oeste. 6Pediatra. Centro de Salud Aranda Norte. Aranda de Duero (Burgos)
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2014; 72(6): 111-118
- copyright ©2014 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 8/05/13
- Fecha aceptacion 27/06/13
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 71(6)
Objective: To determinate the maternal risk factors in the occurrence of cleft lip and palate in Manzanillo, Cuba.
Method: A case-control study to determinate the maternal risk factors in the occurrence of nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate was done at the "Hermanos Cordové" Paediatric Teaching Hospital in Manzanillo. A consecutive sample of clinical cards of patients attended between 1998 and 2010 was obtained from the Admission Department. Each case was matched with two controls following convenience criteria. The analysis methods were the squared Chi test, odds ratio and its 95% confidence intervals. The Mantel-Haenszel test was used to perform the stratified analysis of variables.
Results: The principal risk factors found, after its magnitude, were: medication during pregnancy (OR= 2.99), mother's age ≤20 years (OR= 2.78), failure in one previous pregnancy (OR= 2.53), mother's age ≥35 years (OR= 2.50), smoking (OR= 2.49) and stress (OR= 1.87).
Conclusions: The risk factors obtained in this study agree with literature. Medication during pregnancy was the most important. - Palabras_clave_ingles Cleft lip and palate Risk factors Congenital defect Children
- Todos_autores C.E. Zamora Linares
- autores listados C.E. Zamora Linares
C.E. Zamora Linares. Purísima, 87, e/N. López y Aguilera. CP 87510 Manzanillo (Cuba).
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Maternal risk factors in the occurrence of cleft lip and palate in Manzanillo, Cuba
- Centros_trabajo M. Sc. especialista de segundo grado en Cirugía Maxilofacial. Profesor de Medicina Bucal. Universidad Médica de Granma. Hospital Pediátrico Universitario «Hermanos Cordové». Manzanillo (Cuba)
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2013; 71(6): e129-e133
- copyright ©2013 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 25/01/12
- Fecha aceptacion 16/02/12
Conocimientos acerca del asma de los padres de niños asmáticos que acuden a un servicio de urgencias
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 70(5)
Objective: To evaluate parents' knowledge about asthma.
Material and methods: We delivered the Spanish version of the Newcastle Asthma Knowledge Questionnaire to parents of children with an asthma attack.
Results: The questionnaire was administered to 95 parents (average age of 32.1; 77.7% mothers). The mean score was 16/31. We did not find statistically significant between the score and severity of the asthma attack, need to stay in hospital, previous hospitalization or use of preventive treatment.
39.4% of parents identified correctly the symptoms of an asthma exacerbation. The implication of the bronchospasm and bronchial inflammation in this exacerbation was recognized by 76.6% and 63.8%, respectively. Nevertheless, 47.9 % thought that asthma is a "nervous problem", and 91.5% could not name three triggered factors.
68.1% did not know the names of two medicines useful for an asthma exacerbation, and 41.5% answered that short action 2-agonist are "control medications". 31.9% of these parents did not know about "control medications", 73.4% could not name two of these medicines, and 51.1% answered that antibiotics are an important part in the treatment of asthma.
In addition, 63.8% of these parents believed that cow's milk increases the mucosity, and 25.6% that these patients should not consume dairy produce.
Conclusions: The knowledge of these progenitors was poor; they have false beliefs about the pathogenesis of this disease. Nevertheless, we did not find statistically significant between this low knowledge and the severity of the asthma exacerbation, previous hospitalization or use of "control medications".
- Palabras_clave_ingles Asthma exacerbations educational programme risk factors emergency department children
- Todos_autores M.R. García-Luzardo, A.J. Aguilar-Fernández, N. Rodríguez-Calcines, S. Pavlovic-Nesic
- autores listados M.R. García-Luzardo, A.J. Aguilar-Fernández, N. Rodríguez-Calcines, S. Pavlovic-Nesic
M.R. García-Luzardo. Avda. Marítima del Sur, s/n. 35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Knowledge about asthma of parents of asthmatic children who come to Emergency Department
- Centros_trabajo Servicio de Urgencias Pediátricas y Unidad de Neumología Pediátrica. Hospital Universitario Materno-Infantil de Canarias. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2012; 70(5): 196-203
- copyright ©2012 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 05/05/11
- Fecha aceptacion 20/06/11
Información adicional
- Num_publicacion 66(9)
Following the ISAAC methodology, we studied 4,644 schoolchildren between the ages of 11 and 16 (2,435 boys and 2,209 girls).
The objective of our study is to determine the influence of the habit of tobacco smoking in the group of adolescents that at some point has suffered from asthma or from asthma symptoms.
Of the adolescents who at some point had suffered from asth¬ma 66.5% cohabited with a smoker in the home (59.5% in phase I). Of the adolescents who suffered from wheezing in the last 12 months 69% cohabited with a smoker in the home (58.2% in phase I).
Having suffered from asthma at some point (p= 0.074; OR 0.83), or having suffered from wheezing in the last 12 months (p= 0.54; OR 0.91) is not associated with the presence of a smoker in the home.
Of the adolescents studied 5.6% were smokers, and in 60.7% of the cases the parents were smokers (73.9% in phase I). Among the non-smoking adolescents, in 53.1% of the cases the parents smoked (56.8% in phase I). A significant association was found between the parents smoking and the adolescents smoking (p= 0.034).
In phase I, 8.1% smoked between 1-8 cigarettes per day, compared to 4.2% in phase III, showing significant statistical differences (p <0.05).
A significant statistical association was found between having suffered from asthma at some point and the habit of tobacco smoking (p <0.001; OR 1.75), although not between having suffered from wheezing in the last 12 months and the habit of tobacco smoking. These results are very similar to those of phase I.
- Palabras_clave_ingles Risk factors asthma adolescents tobacco prevalence
- Todos_autores J. Antón, M. Fernández-Benítez, F. Guillén-Grima1
- autores listados J. Antón, M. Fernández-Benítez, F. Guillén-Grima
M. Fernández-Benítez. Departamento de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica. Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. Pamplona.
Correo electrónico: - Titulo_ingles Tobacco as a risk factor associated to the prevalence of bronchial asthma in adolescents
- Centros_trabajo Departamento de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica. 1Unidad de Medicina Preventiva. Clínica Universitaria. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona
- Publicado en Acta Pediatr Esp. 2008; 66(9): 441-444
- copyright ©2008 Ediciones Mayo, S.A.
- Fecha recepcion 01/02/08
- Fecha aceptacion 15/02/08